Common pests in the Port Charlotte or North Port, FL area include:

Fire ants

  • Can be harmful to children or pets
  • Venom can cause severe side effects
  • Stings can be painful


  • Irritate pets
  • Can carry harmful diseases
  • Can cause itchy bumps
  • Can lay many eggs and create a bigger problem


  • Can be hard to find
  • Can transmit harmful diseases
  • Can stay on your body for days


  • Can damage your lawn and plants
  • Best to protect your lawn in the springtime
  • Can live for 3 weeks


  • Can cause substantial damage to your lawn
  • Difficult for lawn to grow back
  • Very small bugs

Do You Have Pests Running Rampant in Your Yard?

Hire us for bug removal & pest control services in the Port Charlotte or North Port, FL area

Seeing pests all over your property is never a fun experience. Eliminate them with help from Fine Design Lawn Care Inc. We offer high-quality pest control and fertilization services in North Port, Venice, & Port Charlotte, FL. Our bug removal pros will get rid of any ants, roaches and spiders on your lawn and provide applications for the control of diseases coming from exterior ornamental plants and trees, tree and shrub plantings, sidewalks, driveways, or similar areas. Since we are licensed and follow all local and state regulations, you can count on us to do the job right the first time.

Take care of active fungus once and for all with our fungus treatment!

As temperatures start to drop, the cooler temperature will cause fungus to grow in lawns with too much moisture. Fungus has been a big issue in the area this time of year and we've already started to see it in several of our clients' lawns. This will only be escalated by the expected temperatures!

If you believe you have an active fungus, characterized by yellow or reddish-brown areas that have grown larger, reach out to our office and we will schedule someone to take a look at it.